MTR's new Wave of Educators Arriving in Memphis

As the school year wraps up and students embark on their summer adventures, a new wave of educators is just beginning theirs in Memphis. City Leadership works closely with Memphis Teacher Residency (MTR) to help recruit residents. Once they arrive in Memphis, MTR trains, develops, and places these teachers at schools within certain neighborhoods. After they finish their commitment, Teach901, a campaign of City Leadership, helps them continue their career in education. The aim is to address the inequities within education in Memphis. In May, 33 new teachers arrived in Memphis to embark on their educational careers and begin preparing for the return of school in the fall.

Why Memphis?

City Leadership aims to cultivate positivity about Memphis and make it the premier city of enjoyment and investment, and we’re able to achieve that by supporting nonprofits like MTR. Having Teach901 and Give901 in City Leadership’s portfolio provides support to Memphis Teachers and Schools.

By recruiting teachers from other cities, it gives others the opportunity to experience the rich culture that Memphis has to offer while impacting communities greatly in need of quality education. In fact, the program’s commitment to educational equity is the reason many journeyed to Memphis in the first place.

Program Benefits

MTR offers an extensive support system to ensure the success of its teachers. During their first year, these educators will earn a Master of Arts in Teaching from Christian Brothers University, engage in a practical internship, and become licensed educators—all while enjoying financial benefits like a living stipend and free housing at Crosstown Concourse. 

The blend of academic training and hands-on experience under the guidance of mentor teachers prepares them not just to teach, but to thrive within their communities. This approach is essential in creating effective educators who are well-prepared to face the challenges of teaching in under-resourced areas.

Commitment to the Community: More Than Just Teaching

MTR’s philosophy goes beyond educational attainment by also focusing on building the teacher community in Memphis. Through shared housing and community events, teachers develop strong bonds with each other, creating lasting friendships and professional support.

“I was born and raised in Memphis. MTR's commitment to the neighborhood is what made me join the program. I want the opportunity to impact the neighborhood I grew up in.” - Jared Smith c/o 2025

Support the Cause

You can support these inspiring educators as they prepare for their first year as teachers with MTR in various ways.

  • Become a Give901 member: give an hour of time and an hour of pay each month and your efforts support our partner organizations like MTR.

  • Support an MTR teacher or school: contact us if you’d like to support the teachers in various ways- organize a breakfast, coordinate an outing, or help set up teacher classrooms. For more ideas, contact us to see all the ways you can support.

  • Spread the word: follow Give901 and MTR on social media to stay up to date on all the incredible change happening in Memphis and see how you can be part of it.

All students deserve education equality, and we’re proud to be part of this work. We can’t wait to see what these new teachers accomplish this year!


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