Helping Teachers Beyond the School Year

On the last day of school, students rush out of classrooms, eager to begin their 2 month respite. However, for teachers, the work is far from over. Summer is a crucial time for them to prepare for the upcoming school year, and they often find themselves in need of extra help to tackle various tasks. From re-waxing floors to painting and minor repairs, there’s plenty to be done, and that’s where you can make a difference.

The Hidden Work of Summer Break

While the students are out, some of the harder maintenance tasks begin. Many schools take advantage of the summer break to deep clean and re-wax their floors. This involves removing every piece of furniture in and out of the classroom before and after waxing. Although it might not sound too daunting, it’s a task that goes much quicker with many sets of hands. 

Other tasks include painting classrooms, repairing broken items, and doing general maintenance work that isn’t possible during the school year. All this work is vital for a successful school year, and the upkeep of the classroom contributes significantly to the overall learning environment. 

How You Can Get Involved

If you’re physically able, there are a lot of opportunities to contribute your unique skills set. Here’s how you can get involved and some ideas to consider:

  1. Reach Out to Give901: Give901 provides pathways for Memphians to give an hour of time and an hour of pay each month for a greater Memphis. We’re here to help facilitate any volunteer hours you’d like to contribute. Just let us know what you’re interested in doing and whether or not you have a specific set of skills you think would be beneficial. 

  2. Organize a Group: Volunteering is even more fun with friends, family, or coworkers, which is why Give901 encourages corporate volunteerism. You can organize a work outing where employees volunteer at one of our partners schools to give back. Corporate volunteerism enriches company culture and supports company growth. Summer is the perfect time to initiate that! Check out Workplace Giving: Impact Through Partnership for more information on what that could look like.

  3. Learn More: You can learn more about how Give901 supports excellent teachers and innovative schools by checking out our website and signing up for our email newsletter. We offer guidance on the best ways to give and volunteer to better the city of Memphis, and we would love for you to join a new generation of generosity by giving back.

Make a Lasting Impact

Helping out during the summer is a tangible way to contribute to local schools and alleviate some of the work on a teacher’s plate. It’s important to ensure that teachers have the support they need to focus on what they do best- educating our children. 

This summer, consider giving an hour of your time to make a difference in the lives of teachers and students. Together, we can create a greater Memphis, one hour at a time.


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