Valor Hospitality Service Day

“It's the satisfaction of giving back, doing something for others and not expecting anything in return. That's a good feeling.” 

-Balencia Thomas, Valor Hospitality

The Valor Hospitality volunteers rolled up their sleeves on a hot June day to tackle cleaning jobs at Collegiate School of Memphis. Tasks ranged from moving furniture for floor waxing, wiping down lockers, cleaning classrooms, and power-washing floors in the woodshop. These efforts were crucial in preparing the school for the upcoming school year, creating a cleaner and more welcoming environment for students and staff.

Twice a year, Valor Hospitality hosts conferences in different cities around the United States. As part of the conference itinerary, the group includes a service day to volunteer at an organization in the city they’re visiting to give back to the community. This year, Memphis had the honor of hosting the conference at the Central Station Hotel. Organized by the Central Station Hotel and City Leadership through the Give901 and Teach901 campaigns, 45 enthusiastic volunteers arrived at Collegiate to clean and prepare classrooms for the upcoming school year. 

Building Stronger Teams

The impact of volunteer work extends beyond the immediate benefits to the community. It creates a sense of unity and purpose among employees. By engaging in these activities, team members experience a sense of belonging to an organization that values generosity and community service. 

“Belonging to an organization that has the heart to give to others, and to be a part of something like that, I think it draws us all closer together as a team, even though we're located in different states across the United States. But we can come together and do something that's meaningful to others. I think that that's very important for all of us, and for Valor. It’s part of our culture,” volunteer Balencia Thomas said.

Volunteering: A Core Value

For Valor Hospitality and the Central Station Hotel specifically, volunteerism is part of their work culture and company values. A growing number of people are emphasizing the importance of working for socially conscious companies that support philanthropy in both workplace giving and volunteering

“In the Memphis area, there's no shortage of need. So we've been trying to be really active in our neighborhood and the South Main area, whether that's different cleanup efforts or tree planting, or today brings us out here to school. I think for a certain part of the demographic, especially up and coming leaders, they want to know where your care level is and what your philanthropic efforts are,” volunteer Troy Thomas said.

Make a Difference in Your Community

The Valor Service Day is a perfect example of the profound impact that corporate volunteerism can have on both communities and employees. If their story resonates with you, we’ve got some great options on how you can follow in their footsteps:

  • Become a Give901 Member: Give an hour of pay and an hour of time each month to support excellent teachers, innovative schools, and empowering mentors. 

  • Sign up your office for Corporate Giving and Volunteerism: In addition to an hour of pay each month, Give901 can facilitate volunteer opportunities and community service projects for the entire office. Just reach out and let us know what you’re interested in. We’re here to help!

Join us today in making Memphis the premier city of generosity one hour at a time.


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